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make your
CO2 footprint
positive +

Stop climate change

Since decades, human activity generates such a huge quantity of CO2 that our planet can't absorb any longer. This, in turn,  increases the greenhouse effect which contributes significantly to global warming. To help stop climate change, it is urgent to decrease the enormous excess of CO2 in the atmosphere. 


› We can no longer afford to be "just neutral".

We need to actively re-absorb much more CO2 than we emit. 

We offer you different possibilities to have a positive impact

1. Offset 200% of your operational footprint

Each element or activity that you select, gets the trees needed to neutralise its footprint within 5 years. As the trees continue to grow for at least another 10 years, its footprint is neutralised a second time.  Starting from a negative ecological footprint, it will gradually become positive.

2. Offset 200% of your events

3. Generate a positive footprint thanks to you business activity​

Define the number of trees to be planted by product or service you provide


Communicate your action


Encourage your partners and customers to also act


Contribute to the creation of a  virtuous circle


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Goodswitch Ltd    Rue de Spontin 77, 5360 Natoye, Belgium    +32 479 744 809    VAT: BE 0711.670.093

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