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make your
CO2 footprint

positive +

Carbon offset › plant trees to recapture your CO2 footprint 

The objective of goodswitch is to plant trees to counter climate change. 


Plant trees to offset all or part of your footprint. As they grow, they will recapture 100% or 200% of your CO2 emissions in 10 years.

› all your CO2

Offset your full CO2 footprint

Offset your full carbon footprint by planting trees. As they grow, they will recapture 100% or 200% of the CO2 emissions in 10 years, depending if you want a neutral footprint or positive footprint.

Offset elements of your CO2 footprint

For each element, we will plant the trees which, as they grow, will recapture 200% of its CO2 footprint in 10 years. This is the way you make your footprint positive.


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Goodswitch Ltd    Rue de Spontin 77, 5360 Natoye, Belgium    +32 479 744 809    VAT: BE 0711.670.093

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