You just made possible the carbon offsetting of twice your footprint. This is just great!
It may seem very small but it's huge !!
If everyone was doing the same, planting trees to offset 200% of his/her carbon footprint, we would neutralize more than 50 millions tonnes of CO2 each year ... This corresponds to Belgium's objective for 2030 in terms of annual reduction of greenhouse gas !!
Share this message and encourage your network to also act.
Click on the three lite dots next to the title and select the method you prefer..
Once more, THANK YOU.
* population in Belgium (source : Stabel)
total population: 11.490.000 inhabitants
active population: 6.718.841 inhabitants aged from 20 › 65 years
** carbon footprint / year in Belgium
statistical average per Belgian: Belgium's CO2e footprint divided by the number of inhabitants › 118,000,000 t CO2e / 11,419,000 inhabitants = ± 10 t CO2e
Estimated personal footprint: the CO2e footprint of 15,000 km car + 500 l fuel oil + 1 GSM + 1 return trip by plane ›± 4 t CO2
*** GHG reduction target for 2030 = - 35% compared to 1990 GHG emissions.
GHG 1990 = 146,411,000 t CO2
35% GHG 1990 = 51,243,850 t CO2
Image : Brandi Reed | Unsplash